KOREA - U.S. Economic Council
Committed to bolstering trade, investment, and technological cooperation and strengthening economic exchanges.
The Korea-US Economic Council (KUSEC) was founded in 1973 under "Article 26 for the Establishment of Non-profit Organizations" of the Economic Planning Board (predecessor to Ministry of Economy and Finance). At the request of the Korean government, three key economic organizations headed by KITA came together to create KUSEC. KUSEC’s mission is to boost mutual understanding and to strengthen economic ties between the US and Korea. Against this backdrop, the organization is committed to bolstering trade, investment, and technological cooperation and strengthening economic exchanges.
KOREA - U.S. Economic Council
KUSEC is the only private economic organization working exclusively with the US, and it is Korea’s counterpart to the fifty federal state governments of the US. Similarly, it can serve as a bridge between the US federal governments and Korea’s local governments. On the issues arising other hand, it also functions as a buffer in cases of trade conflicts between Korea and the US. Beyond the economic sphere, KUSEC also supports programs for Korean students studying in the US and for Korean government officials based in the US.